Most popular SmarterPlaylists components

As of this morning, there have been 1,363 SmarterPlaylist programs written.   Currently there are 300 SmarterPlaylist jobs running periodically.  I was wondering what were the most popular components, so I took inventory by looking at all of those 1,363 programs to see which components were used the most often.  Here’s the list:

4046 SpotifyPlaylist
1276 Sample
709 EchoNestGenreRadio
673 Concatenate
563 DeDup
499 PlaylistSave
455 Shuffler
441 TrackFilter
394 EchoNestArtistRadio
325 comment
248 Sorter
225 RelativeDatedSpotifyPlaylist
222 MySavedTracks
218 ArtistTopTracks
217 Alternate
200 PlaylistSaveToNew
194 LongerThan
155 EchoNestArtist
141 First
129 AlbumSource
125 DatedSpotifyPlaylist
117 Mixer
116 ReleaseDateFilter
111 Danceable
108 SeparateArtists
89 MyFollowedArtists
82 AttributeRangeFilter
79 RandomSelector
77 Energy
72 Tempo
69 ArtistDeDup
68 ArtistFilter
56 Explicit
42 MixIn
39 MySavedAlbums
37 IsDayOfWeek
30 TrackSourceByName
25 SimpleArtistFilter
24 AllButTheFirst
20 ArtistSeparation
19 Weighted Shuffler
19 ShorterThan
18 Spoken Word
16 TrackSource
12 RandomStreamSelector
10 Last
5 IsWeekend
4 Live
4 AllButTheLast
4 YesNo
3 Annotator
3 Reverse
1 TextFilter

The big surprises for me were to see how often the Echo Nest Artist and Genre radio are being used, and even after being around for only a week, how often the RelativeDatedSpotifyPlaylist is being used.